Fx5 (pronounced eff-ex-five) refers to journeying along five life domains that are critical for doing life well. Though we may find ourselves focusing on one domain more than the others at times along our journey, they are not stand-alone and we do not stand alone. Each domain impacts the others and all are more fully maximized when also tapping into the talents of those around us. CliftonStrengths is an effective tool for optimizing your life journey across these critical domains.
Fx5 Journey domains and CliftonStrengths:
Faith – Apply your God-given talents to deepen and grow your spirituality resulting in a life lived in alignment with your faith
People of faith are motivated and moved toward life choices inspired by their beliefs. Yet despite personal convictions, we often fall for the temptation of misaligned cultural norms that promise happiness but don’t deliver. In this context we may find the gifts of the Spirit (Wisdom,
Understanding, Right Judgement, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety and Fear of the Lord – also experienced as Awe and Wonder – to be elusive and, without the gifts, the fruits of the Spirit (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control) even farther from our grasp.
Sometimes faith-inspired practices may appear to be just too hard. Take Forgiveness as an example. A majority of world religions promote Forgiveness as an essential practice. Yet, forgiveness is difficult and it is not uncommon to hear egregiously or even lesser-wounded persons state that they cannot forgive the offense. While there are many reasons or justifications a person may identify for withholding forgiveness, there are no such allowable conditions or exemptions from a faith perspective.
But what if you could tap into your natural talents to help you become a more forgiving person?
A simplified example might look like this:
People exceptionally talented in the Input theme have a craving to know more. Often, they like to collect and archive all kinds of information. Using this talent theme, a greater capacity for forgiveness could be cultivated by collecting inspirational stories of people who did forgive very serious offenses, such as the story of Kim Phúc, a Vietnamese napalm bombing victim who, despite a lifetime of physical and emotional effects, forgave those who were responsible for her horrific and painful experiences.
Family and Friends -- Invest in your distinct talents, those of your family members and the friends that surround you for positive and enduring family and community relationships
Family rates among the top ten most important life domains. Though what people define as family may shift across cultures and generations, it usually includes a group of people related to each other and living together. When “family” means knowing that someone cares for you and is always there for you no matter what, there is little-to-no other comparable kind of support. This unconditional love is received daily when you are part of a supportive family. Functional supportive families also form bonds with friends that extend support, care and love. CliftonStrengths can be a powerful tool for creating strong, supportive bonds within a family and its community of friends – bonds that are cohesive throughout life’s phases, individual growth, change, challenges and inevitable conflict.
It’s about understanding your relationship patterns of thought, feelings and behavior and those of your family members too.
A simplified example might look like this:
People with the CliftonStrength talent theme of Competition have a strong desire to win and judge their performance by comparing themselves to others, sometimes resulting in conflicts. Seeing this talent theme in their children, parents can minimize sibling rivalry by forming partnerships or teams so that competitive children win together instead of one
over the other. These partnerships can be applied to chores, homework, family games, demonstration of good manners, being on time and any other number of desired outcomes.
Food – Tap into talents to unleash the strength needed to change unwanted conditioned behaviors and choices and create new patterns that better nourish our bodies, minds and spirits
What are you taking in? Is it feeding your growth toward a life well lived or is it draining your spiritual, emotional, mental or physical energy? Food in this context includes more than just what you eat. The broader application refers to all inputs. What kinds of things do you read? What is the emotional tone of the music and sung lyrics that you choose? What are your social media habits – things like such as Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat, Twitter? Video entertainment choices are inputs too – filling your mind with ideas, pictures and related emotions. Do these input choices feed you (body, soul and mind) or are they more like empty calories? This concept can even extend to relationships. Do the people you spend time with approach you with a supportive, positive, empowering life view?
Now what if you tapped into your natural talents to manage what you take in?
A simplified example might look like this:
People exceptionally talented in the Significance theme want to do things of great importance that are recognized by others. Using this talent theme, a person could focus on being a weight loss success story that inspired others to do the same. This strong desire to be successful for the inspiration of others could be applied toward behaviors that would achieve the goal.
Fitness – Reach health and fitness goals (body, mind and spirit) with a unique understanding of your own personal strengths as initiators and motivators
Whether your fitness goals are ambitious ones like climbing Mount Everest or simpler goals like achieving a number of daily steps, an effective way to achieve the goal is to apply your naturally occurring talents. Or perhaps you seek or more holistic goal that integrates physical fitness with the mind and spirit, such as a practice like fasting. As a tool that helps identify and tap into innate talents – things you already do well – CliftonStrengths can be applied to help formulate and achieve goals.
A simplified example might look
like this:
People exceptionally talented in the Adaptability theme live in the moment and discover their future one present choice at a time. Applying this talent theme to a goal to consistently log 8,000 steps daily simply requires accessible walking shoes at all times. The person who can quickly shift gear and adapt to the present context can use unanticipated pockets of “down-time” to get up and out to walk.
Fruitfulness – Direct innate patterns of thoughts, behaviors and feelings for optimal productivity
Although a cherished loved one of mine likes to say, “All I want is an honest week’s pay for an honest day’s work,” I know what he really wants is to make a productive contribution to the greater good and be recognized for it. Do you also yearn for your presence, knowledge, skills, time and efforts to matter? To make some kind of difference?
You can maximize productivity and work place engagement by investing in your own and others talents and strengths.
A simplified example might look like this:
People exceptionally talented in the Restorative theme love to solve problems. While others may be feel burdened when things aren’t working well, the restorative talent is energized by it. Knowing this, a person with the restorative talent can be most fruitful by seeking out roles in which they are paid to solve problems. Help desk, customer service lines, programming and medicine are examples of responsibilities that involve solving problems.
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